Permits required for yacht management

Do you think that only those who have successfully completed a sailing course can rest on board of a yacht? It is a common misperception. Everyone can rent (charter) a yacht, and it is not more difficult than renting a holiday apartment or camping, but, at the same time, it provides many new opportunities for your vacation. Permits will be necessary only for yacht management, as in a case of driving a car. If you do not have such permits, then nothing is still lost. You can rent a yacht with a skipper who will not only manage it, but also, at the same time, will be your guide of the coastal ports. If you want to manage the yacht on your own, in this case, you should have at least a patent of yacht skipper or a patent of sea yacht skipper and a permission to operate the radio stations "VHF" (the so-called "SRC" ("Short Range Certificate")). In some territorial waters (for example, in Greece), it is also required the presence of a co-captain, i.e. a captain’s assistant on board, who must also attest to his skills. Sailing permits are issued by the Polish Maritime Union, in case you have met certain criteria of practice and the exam. You can also obtain relevant foreign permits. Charter companies reserve the right to test your practical yacht driving skills, and in case you have not any, they may require you to use the services of a professional skipper. In practice, it happens, but very rarely. If you have all required permits, then before you decide to manage a yacht on your own, you should first make a few charter cruises under the guidance of someone more experienced. Practice, experience and so-called sailing are very important components of marine skills and they can save the life of your team or yours even more than once.

Which yacht do you want to manage?

If you have a license to operate a yacht, you can easily rent any yacht at your discretion. Browse available ships anywhere. You are the captain! Find a yacht
It is also important to keep in mind that many people who have all the necessary permits prefer to use the services of professional skippers because they want to relax, have more time for family or friends, and a skipper has always a lot of activities on a yacht.

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