Spanish dishes you must try!

It is impossible to list all the flavors and dishes you can try in Spain. Most regions offer their own original dishes, from great seafood on the coasts to a variety of meats and vegetables in the central parts of the country. Although it is a difficult task, we have tried to choose 5 Spanish dishes that you must try while in Spain.

  1. Paella, definitely one of the most popular Spanish dishes. There are many versions of Paella, the more famous ones with rice or the less known ones with pasta. However, the most popular one is paella with seafood, and these are of course worth looking for on the coast.

2. Tortilla de patatas, although the name may suggest something else, tortilla de patatas is a combination of potatoes and eggs. The additions to this dish can be very diverse, but most often it will be onion, you definitely should not skip this meal on your trip in Spain


3. Salmorejo, next to gazpacho, it is a very popular cold tomato soup. Preparing this soup is extremely simple and its ingredients are only tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and stale bread. However, don't let the simplicity of this dish deceive you, the secret here are both delicious tomatoes and olive oil.

4. Tapas, most of us have heard this term before and for good reason. Tapas are extremely popular in Spain, both when spending time with family at home or with friends in bars, a good example is Granada, in many bars in this city you will receive tapas for free with the drinks you order. But what are tapas? Tapas are nothing more than small, quick snacks of various types, sometimes they are also "smaller" versions of standard dishes.

5. Croquetas, Spanish version of croquettes, filled with Béchamel sauce and additives. Most often with chicken or beef meat, deep fried in breadcrumbs

Of course, Spain has much, much more to offer than the 5 dishes you have learned in this article. However, we hope that the above list will be a good starting point for you on what to try while in Spain and will encourage you to further discover the charms of this cuisine.

With sailing greetings,

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