All your doubts will go away, dear Ladies, in other words, yachting FAQ
Every single day our dear Ladies take care of our safety and comfort, as well as organize our everyday life. Therefore, when we want to persuade them to go on a cruise, they are faced with certain problems that we will try to dispel today:
- Is there any bathroom on a yacht? Yes, surely. Almost all charter yachts have bathrooms, showers, hot water etc., as well as there are toilets in the marina where you set off.
- Should I take a hairdryer? In ports bathrooms there are often hairdryers, but surely you can take your own. Nevertheless, it won’t be too useful on a yacht, due to the lack of 220V voltage outside the ports, unless a yacht has a generator.
- May I accommodate in a cabin with my husband and children? Yes, surely. The yacht is expected to have as much space for children as for adults. Naturally, the larger the yacht, the more convenient it will be.
- Will I have to sleep in the same cabin with strangers? Yacht cabins are most often double. If you are traveling with your husband (boyfriend) - you, of course, will not have to sleep in the cabin, with anyone else.
- Do I need to bring dishes and cutlery with me? No, you don’t. A yacht has a fully equipped kitchen.
- Is there a first aid kit on a yacht? Yes, surely, always. However, it contains only basic first aid measures. The medicines is better to take with you.
- Do I need to be able to swim? No, it is not necessary. If you do not feel safe, then you can wear a life jacket in first days.
- Do I need to take my own towels? No, you don’t. Most charter companies provide towels. Sometimes for a small extra charge.
- Who cooks the meals? It is up to you. Traditionally, the crew is divided into watches, and everyone cooks when his turn comes. Therefore, a partial release from cooking on vacation J
- Who will clean everything up? Everyone takes care of the order around him every day, and it is fully provided by the current watch (see section 9). It is worth thoroughly clean the yacht after the cruise, leaving it to the charter company.